IELTS Writing Task 1 MAP Band 9 | Step by step


IELTS Writing Task 1 MAP Band 9 | Step by step

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I. Introduction: Map definition

In this essay, I will instruct you on how to write one of the most difficult graphs in IELTS as expected. It is MAP. First of all, we need to know what is Map and the differences between the map and other kinds of graphs.

Map is the kind of graph which mainly focuses on the changes in one location which can be the construction or demolition of facilities or landscape surroundings at the two different period/time.  So it is important to separate map into comparative areas which can be easily seen on the map to group similar information to analyze.

Normally, map has 3 kinds of questions:

  • Describe a map in present simple tense

This question hardly appears in the test because it only requires simple tense and no comparison.

  • Describe 2 maps: one is present and one in the future tense.

We sometimes see this question when it describes the future development of a village, district or city. The tenses used should be present and future.

  • Describe 2 maps: one in the past and one in the present.

It is the most common question which appears in the IELTS test. This kind of question will require you to analyze the profound characteristics and sometimes provide the comparison for the expansion if necessary. The tenses used are the past and the present.

II. Map comparison

As mentioned in previous essays, map also has 4 parts as usual: introduction, overview, body 1 and body 2. The differences compared to other types of graphs come from the vocabularies and structures used.

Move to the vocabularies and structures used, we should get acquainted with all the below sentences to have a perfect preparation for writing maps.

Firstly, we have to learn how to determine the correct directions with the given compass on the map to describe the development.

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