IELTS Speaking Part 3: Topic – Favorite Time of the Year


IELTS Speaking Part 3: Topic – Favorite Time of the Year


  1. How do the different seasons affect the lifestyles of Chinese people?
  2. How do different seasons affect the way people feel?
  3. How does the climate of a place affect the kind of buildings that are built there?
  4. Do you think fighting global climate change is a governmental responsibility or the responsibility of individuals?
  5. What are the major public holidays and festivals in China?
  6. What do people in China do when they have holidays?
  7. Why do Chinese people like the Spring Festival?
  8. How can people benefit from visiting new places?
  9. When many people visit a particular place, what effects can that have on this place?

IELTS Speaking tips:



  1. How do the different seasons affect the lifestyles of Chinese people?

In places like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, or Xiamen where it’s always hot there aren’t many extreme weather changes to worry about. But in other places in China such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tibet, or Harbin the weather changes so drastically from summer to winter that it affects lifestyles. During the winter the weather may go below zero, and in the summer it may get as hot as 40oC Celsius. That means you have to have different kinds of clothes for each season. Also, in the winter you might need heating and in the summer you’ll most likely have to use a fan or an air conditioner, one friend of mine uses both.

  1. How do different seasons affect the way people feel?

One of the things that weather affects is the kind of food your cat. I don’t know about other people, but when it’s really hot I don’t usually feel like eating a lot, just some fruit or quick and easy food, like sandwiches, cold noodles, or McDonald’s, whereas in the winter I usually feel like eating lots of filling hot food, such as soups, rice, noodles, and other things like that. Also when it’s hot I just feel like sleeping, but in the winter I’m naturally colder, so I have to move around to keep warm.

Weather/ Climate

  1. How does the climate of a place affect the kind of buildings that are built there?

Well, if the climate is hot then the builders will construct the buildings to stay as cool as possible. But if you’re in a cold climate then you might find double insulation on the windows, or the houses will be built to retain heat as much as possible. It’s quite common to see a house with a bunch of open porches and verandas in a hot climate. And probably every room will have a hole for an air conditioning vent. But colder climates will most likely have central heating.

  1. Do you think fighting global climate change is a governmental responsibility or the responsibility of individuals?

As the saying goes, many hands make light work. If the governments and individuals work together on climate problems, there will be many changes and more progress will be made. Of course, more responsibility should fall on the shoulders of the government because they have the means to do more than the average citizen. But that shouldn’t stop ordinary people from doing their part.

Vacations/ Holidays/ Tourism

  1. What are the major public holidays and festivals in China?

There is, of course, the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival. There’s Grave Sweeping Day, Labor Day, the Moon Festival, and National Day Holiday. I think that’s about it.

  1. What do people in China do when they have holidays?

Most of the time will party with their friends, but it really depends on the holiday. Take Grave Sweeping Day for instance. Chinese usually burn fake money, clean graves, and place flowers on them. Or at the Dragon Boat Festival they either watch the races watch the races or participate in one. But at Spring Festival everyone will party and eat and drink all night.

  1. Why do Chinese people like the Spring Festival?

The Spring Festival is a time for family, a time for everyone to get together and party, eat, give presents and enjoy each other’s company. It’s in a sense like Christmas, at least as far as the partying and gift giving is concerned. It’s the celebration of a new year, giving thanks for the last one and hoping and wishing that the next year will be prosperous. Also, it’s a time off from school and work to relax without having to worry about meeting a deadline.

  1. How can people benefit from visiting new places?

The more extensive and comprehensive your knowledge of other peoples and cultures is, the easier it’ll be for you to relate to them. You’ll have more in common with them and will better understand them. If you never leave your home, your understanding of other people will be very minimal. You’ll most likely be narrow-minded and bigoted. Although this isn’t always the case, most of them are this way.

  1. When many people visit a particular place, what effects can that have on this place?

An American friend of mine once told me that about 150 years ago some people found gold in California and people came by the thousands to look for it in the water. Because there were so many people and they all needed food, shelter, and supplies, some of the more industrious pioneers started building hotels, restaurants, and stores. Now, more than 100 years later, those towns are some of the biggest and most thriving cities on the west coast. What I’m trying to say here is that if there are enough people they can greatly change a place either for better or for worse.

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